Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Un motivation

Okay well let's see I've had a bit of a sh#**y couple days not including yesterday which was valentines day! Sometimes I just have zero motivation to do anything, and it's not easy to get past because most days I have nothing to do. I am currently not working,no show,not many auditions, and haven't started school yet so If I want to slack off and do lets say ... Nothing nobody will notice either way but this gives me an easy out. I find the best thing to do for me is to wake up and immediately get going on chores, working out, whatever, but if I turn the tv on, or computer on I'm immediately un motivated. I'm hoping when I go back to school and hopefully get some sort of part time job I will feel more motivated as I will have something going on everyday. I am not a mom I don't have kids to watch so honestly most of the time I don't know what to do with myself. I've always worked and stayed super busy. If I stayed motivated I would have lost all the weight by now, biggest loser style working out eight hours a day because I can!! But I don't! I haven't ran in over a week. Im probably going to have to start the c to 5k over!! And auditions I literally have to prep every single thing the night before so I am completely ready otherwise in the morning that's my excuse not to go, it's seriously ridiculous. Someone please give me some ideas for motivation!! Or tell me a good doctor to prescribe speed...(just kidding)


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